Location 2
There are 93 New Zealand graves, including 12 of the Maori (Pioneer) Battalion, in the graveyard of the nearby Parish Church of St Nicholas. Headstones were erected in 1924 by the Imperial War Graves Commission and a Memorial Cross was erected in 1927. An annual ANZAC service is held here on the last Sunday in April attended by representatives of the New Zealand High Commission and of the New Zealand Forces.

An annual ANZAC service is held here on the last Sunday in April

An annual ANZAC service is held here on the last Sunday in April

Early graves before Commonwealth War Graves

Commonwealth War Graves - Maori Funeral
As part of the service many of today’s villagers attend and local children lay posies on each soldiers' grave.
In 1935 the All Blacks Rugby Team broke their journey from London to Bournemouth to visit the New Zealand War Graves.
The team were welcomed by Capt. Cecil Sutton, who had been Secretary at the Hospital. He asked the Team to take greetings from Brockenhurst to New Zealand. Mr Meredith, the Team Manager, laid a wreath at the Memorial. The New Zealand Bell was tolled and a two minute silence was observed.
An untouchable, Sukha Kalloo, a latrine sweeper at the Lady Hardinge Hospital for Indians from the Expeditionary Force in France, died on January 12th, 1915. He was buried in the Christian churchyard. Sukha's epitaph reads: '...he left country, home and friends to save our King and Empire in the Great European War as a humble servant...By creed he was not Christian, but his earthly life was sacrificed in the interest of others'.

ANZAC Village children posies.

Sukha Kalloo Gravestone

Our Only Son

Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall visiting The Church, Exhibition and Commonwealth Graves, July 2016.