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Dr Nicola Happé (ITEC, MChiro) Doctor of Chiropractic
Nicola lived in Brockenhurst until the age of 11 and spent much of that time playing at Brockenhurst College with her grandparents, as her grandpa was the caretaker there for many years.
With 12 years experience in complementary medicine, Nicola really believes in the holistic approach to patient care whereby treating the whole body and not just the part that is in discomfort, maximising recovery and helping prevent reoccurrences.
Basic Info
Opening Hours
01590 624883
Brockenhurst Chiropractic, Courtyard Mews, Brookley Rd, Brockenhurst, UK
Monday 10-8 in Brockenhurst
Tuesday 9-7 in Southbourne
Wednesday 10-7 in Brockenhurst
Thursday 10-6 in Southbourne
Friday 9-5 in Brockenhurst
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